Impact University

Live in the fullness of your inheritance

Live in the fullness of your inheritance 1

Welcome to Impact University! Imagine if a wealthy relative left you a huge inheritance. Would you be timid? Would you be fearful? I believe that you would thankfully take possession of what was rightfully yours. This is the level of faith that you should walk in as a child of God. You should be unafraid […]

Break out into His BEST

Break out into His BEST 2

Welcome to Impact University! You are God’s masterpiece! Get that settled in your mind. He has handcrafted you and designed you for a powerful destiny. You are called to walk in the BEST, because you are God’s BEST. He made you with the BEST in mind. You are designed for the BEST He has for […]

Our God is abundant in goodness.

Our God is abundant in goodness. 3

Welcome to Impact University! The Lord delights in giving you good things. He wants to pour out blessings over you.  The Father will release blessings and abundance over you.  He delights in releasing blessings over His children.  If God were to ask you, “What do you want me to do for you?” What would you […]

Good things are free

Good things are free 4

Welcome to Impact University! Let’s take some time today to reflect on the goodness of the Lord and all the good things He has given us.  First of all– JESUS.  God freely gave us His best in giving us His Son.  He gives us good things every day.  He pours out blessings and abundance over […]

God’s BEST is your portion!

God’s BEST is your portion! 5

Welcome to Impact University! Today I want you to believe you deserve God’s BEST for your life.  “You have to learn how to RECEIVE God’s BEST. The Lord really impressed on me that the main reason we aren’t receiving His best is because we are willing to settle for less. Very few are committed to […]

Breakthrough barriers

Breakthrough barriers 6

Welcome to Impact University! The Lord has a great plan for us all.  In our lives sometimes we face situations that can manifest as barriers in the spirit realm.  I am convinced that the Lord uses these situations to bring us to a new level of breakthrough.  He is going to use you to break […]

Value your dreams

Value your dreams 7

Welcome to Impact University! Each one of us needs a Dream from God. Our Dreams will keep us going through the storms of life. Dreams bypass the mind and our own agendas – our spirits never sleep – God’s Word is well able to minister to our hearts even when we sleep. “For God may […]

Humility Sets the Time

Humility Sets the Time 8

Welcome to Impact University! There is a set time of favor and promotion! When the set time comes, God moves in powerful ways. He is the Master of planning and creating divine moments. It is imperative that you recognize His promotion when it hits your life. Give thanks and praise Him for His divine acceleration. […]

Strategy for every situation

Strategy for every situation 9

Welcome to Impact University! I want to encourage you today to seek the Lord for any situation you are facing today.  The Lord will give you new strategies to overcome and breakthrough! He is the one that will lead you into victory.  When you face a situation or are inquiring of the Lord, believe that […]

Wait on your season

Wait on your season 10

Welcome to Impact University! The Lord is faithful. He is a good and faithful father.  He wants to bless all of his sons and daughters.  God has a purpose in every season of your life.  However, sometimes I know we all can get impatient with the timing of the Lord. You have to trust God […]