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Today I want you to believe you deserve God’s BEST for your life.
“You have to learn how to RECEIVE God’s BEST. The Lord really impressed on me that the main reason we aren’t receiving His best is because we are willing to settle for less. Very few are committed to God’s best. We have been influenced more by the world than by God’s Word and “dumbed down” to accept far less than what God has provided. As long as you can live with less than God’s best, you will.”
Andrew Wommack
I would always enjoy reading an airline column called, The Best of the Best. The column would rank the best hotels, best spas, best restaurants, and best cruises available at the time. People recognize the best. There are awards for the best songs, best movies, best artists, best actors, best athletes, best teachers, and best chefs. There is a list of best places to live, best places to visit, best places to vacation, and best places to do business. Champions are considered the best in their sport.
No one wants the worst.
- People come for counsel because they want to know the best course of action.
- People want to make the best decisions in their lives.
- People want to marry the best person for them.
- People want their families and children to be the best.
- People try their best to avoid the worst.
- People are always striving to be the best, and do the best.
When people don’t feel that they have the best, then they often pledge to do better. Things that are not the best are in need of improvement.
We often need an upgrade.
And why? Because God is the best, High King over all the gods. In one hand he holds deep caves and caverns, in the other hand grasps the high mountains. He made Ocean—he owns it! His hands sculpted Earth!”
Psalm 95:3-5 (MSG)
God, of course, is the best. He is the highest and the most excellent. He is the best in love, mercy, grace, holiness, and compassion. God is not only the best, but He gives the best.
God wants you to have the best.
I prophesied one Sunday, that we would enter a season of God’s best. The verse the Lord gave
me was Psalm 147:14,
“He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.”
The best is the FINEST.
The EHV version says: “He brings peace to your borders. He satisfies you with the best wheat.”
Synonyms for best include top, foremost, finest, greatest, leading, preeminent, premier, prime, first, chief, principal, supreme, of the highest quality, superlative, par excellence, unrivaled, second to none, without equal, peerless, matchless, optimal, ideal, highest, record breaking.
In order to enter into God’s best, you must realize that it is His will for you as a child of God.
The Father wants to bestow the best upon your life. Shame, religious thinking, and bondage will keep you outside of His best. Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. “
James 1:17
Having the right perspective of God as The Good Father is critical to receive and enter the best for your life. Religious teaching empowers unbelief and toxic thought patterns. This blocks the receptivity of the goodness of God.
- His gifts are demonstrations of His goodness.
- His destiny for your life is a demonstration of His goodness.
- His prophetic unction and promises for your life point you back to the pathway of goodness.
O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
1 Chronicles 16:34 (NASB)
What if you shook off your old mindset and realized that God’s thoughts toward you are good? What if you refused to believe the lies the enemy hurled at you?
What if you exited mediocre and average to launch deep into the best?
- The BEST is where you are called to live.
- The BEST is your portion.
- The BEST is for you.
I believe this is a prophetic word for you! Enter the BEST!
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