Impact University

Prophetic Word: “Boxes, Boxes, Boxes & Biden” – Chris Reed

Prophetic Word: "Boxes, Boxes, Boxes & Biden" - Chris Reed 1
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At the beginning of each year I like to look at what other prophetic voices are saying. I like to see what each stream of the prophetic receives and what they see coming for the next year. I believe that this time of the year is critical for each believer to know how to prepare or make adjustments.

One of the prophetic words that I was listening to was from Chris reed – Morningstar Ministries. During the time of his prophetic forecast Reed shared the following: “I saw boxes being opened. I saw this 3-times. I have asked the Lord for more than one confirmation. I saw boxed being opened and I saw the words “smoking gun.” that would prove without a doubt Chinese involvement, Chinese money involved with Biden’s campaign” Reed continued “Not only that but secrets being exposed even through the courts and house of representative inquiries that will shock the world.” One final time he added “Boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes… Remember that. “Boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes, Biden. & Billionaires”

Over the last few days we have heard a lot in regards to the classified boxes found in the fall of 2022 at a private office of President Biden.

The national archives took possessions of the boxes the morning after they were discovered on Nov. 2nd.  Richard Sauber, special counsel to President Biden, said in a statement. “The discovery of these documents was made by the President’s attorneys,” Sauber added. “The documents were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives. Since that discovery, the President’s personal attorneys have cooperated with the Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in the possession of the Archives.”

As the weeks have progressed the FBI found many more boxes in different locations. The DOJ seized more classified docs from Biden’s Wilmington home after 12-hour search. There hasn’t been a confirmed amount of documents, files or boxes discovered yesterday. “At the outset of this matter, the President directed his personal attorneys to fully cooperate with the Department of Justice,” Bauer said.

A second set of classified documents was also found inside the garage of the president’s home last weekend in Wilmington. The White House has repeatedly decline to comment on the classified records. Instead they have said “that records have been turned over to the proper authorities and will be a part of the ongoing investigation.”

I shared the prophetic word by Chris Reed to serve as a reference point that we should be in a constant pursuit of the word of God. I believe that we are simply at the tip of the iceberg of this story and we will find out much more in the days to come.

This is a developing story and we will follow it closely. Refresh this page periodically to find out more.

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