Impact University

God will show you the best path

God will show you the best path 1

Welcome to Impact University. Jesus came that we might have abundant life, the abundant life is the best life. Life in the Spirit is the best life. A life of wisdom is the best life. Don’t settle for a life that is not the best. The best life is a life of prosperity and abundance. […]

Difference Between Dreams and Visions

Difference Between Dreams and Visions 2

Welcome to Impact University. Many people believe that dreams are strictly at night and visions are for the day. However, if we look to scripture, we can see there is a template for deciphering between the two. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my […]

Hidden things revealed

Hidden things revealed 3

Welcome to Impact University. Have you ever wonder why you don’t see certain things that you think you should have known when they happen. The Lord sometimes hides things from you.  The Bible says the secret things belong to the Lord, so the Lord does have secrets.  The secret things belong to the LORD our […]

In Due Time

In Due Time 4

Welcome to Impact University! Promotion is one of the gifts that God gives to His children. A hard heart and a religious spirit will not agree with promotion! It will mock people who claim favor and decree promotion. Yet, when you study the Scriptures, it is so clear that whenever people are living surrendered to […]

Prophetic Balance Part 2 – the Apostles…

Welcome to Impact University. As we continue to advance the kingdom of God, I want to share part 2 of having balance in the Prophetic ministry. Today I’m going to be focusing on the role of the Apostle. “And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers […]

Prophetic Balance Part 1 – the Prophets…

Welcome to Impact University. These next two days I’m going to be focusing on something very important in the prophetic ministry.  The important relationship between the Apostle and the Prophet.  Let’s start with the Prophet and the Prophetic ministry. I believe every believer should prophesy. As a matter of fact, prophecy is one of the […]

The prophetic word will help you prosper.

Welcome to Impact University. The Lord is releasing His prophetic word over us now more than ever. He wants you to advance.  God will speak to you concerning your path, your vision, your dream, and really set your course in motion so that you will prosper.  He is for you.  He has more vision for […]

Step into a new dimension of Glory!

Welcome to Impact University. As you live up close to the Lord, you will have a life full of power and strength. Your faith will arise to a new level.  You will start seeing things around you in a different light, through a new lens.  The Glory of God releases miracles! The book of Acts […]

The glory of God will change your life!

Welcome to Impact University. Did you know that you were born to carry glory? You were born to carry the Kingdom of God and manifest it wherever you go. You carry great glory! The more that I began to believe for the glory, the more the glory began to experience the glory. When I preached […]

Dreams that advance His purposes

The Night Belongs to God   The word DREAM is mentioned 30 times in the book of  Genesis. “Dream” in the Hebrew – means to “bind strongly or firmly” (Strongs 2492). A dream from God will become  bound up in the heart of the person receiving the dream.   Dreams from God are usually very spiritual […]