Impact University

Prophetic Balance Part 1 – the Prophets…

Prophetic Balance Part 1 – the Prophets… 1

Welcome to Impact University.

These next two days I’m going to be focusing on something very important in the prophetic ministry. 

The important relationship between the Apostle and the Prophet. 

Let’s start with the Prophet and the Prophetic ministry.

I believe every believer should prophesy. As a matter of fact, prophecy is one of the signs of being filled with the Spirit of God.

In the Book of Acts, the first thing that happens when they get baptized with the Holy Spirit is, God gets hold of their tongue because your tongue is the key to your future.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. “

Acts 2:4

Then again in Acts, Chapter 19, it tells us when they were filled with the spirit of God, they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

“On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. “

Acts 19:5-6

Prophecy is really a form of releasing the river of God that is in us.

I want to make it very clear, I believe that every believer should prophesy on some level and really, the prophetic is a part or a sign of the Spirit filled life.

If we are really Spirit filled people, there should be a level of prophetic in all of us.

Jesus said, “Out of your belly, shall flow rivers of living water.”

One of my visions is to activate people, encourage people, stir people, teach people in the realm of the prophet, whether you are prophet, or not, whether you’re a believer who’s filled with the Holy Ghost, whether you’re a prophet, whether you’re an apostle, whatever your ministry gift is, there should be a level of the prophetic that flows through your life.

When you study the New Testament, the apostles and prophets ministered together.

As a matter of fact, apostles and prophets are very similar. They tend to do very similar things.  I believe that every apostle needs to be prophetic. I believe that every prophet needs to be apostolic.

The Bible tells us:

“And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, and those with gifts of healing, helping, administration, and various tongues.”

1 Cor. 14:28

The word is clear, not one should function alone in ministry. 

We need each other! 

All have their function and are so very crucial to expanding the work of the kingdom.


  • The apostolic anointing helps bring order and government to the prophetic anointing.
  • The prophetic anointing helps bring spontaneity and helps bring new things to the apostolic anointing.
  • Every apostolic leader needs prophetic teams and prophetic people and prophets in their ministry.
  • Every prophet or group of prophets need to be connected to an apostolic leader.

Any time you separate them, or if they don’t operate together, they’re both lacking something.

  • Apostles need prophets in their life to keep them moving in new things and stirring in new things, so they won’t become rigid and overbearing.
  • Prophets need apostles in their life to bring some order and government, so they won’t become flaky and spooky.  

These two ministries do work together and we need them working together.

Prophets: You’re not infallible.

Prophecy must be judged.

I know it’s hard to believe, but sometimes people do speak out of their flesh, out of their soul, in anger, in bitterness, or even bad doctrine. We do need to judge prophets and do need to judge prophecy to make sure it’s in line with the Word of God. We need to continue to teach on the prophetic ministry. You should never let a bad prophecy cause you to shut down prophets. 

Listen- we’ve heard bad sermons, bad singing, we’ve had bad services.

We don’t stop doing what we’re doing because of one bad experience.

When a prophet is on, when the Spirit of God is moving and it’s accurate, it brings great miracles and great breakthroughs.

When Apostles and Prophets work together:

  • We balance each other.
  • We minister to each other.
  • We encourage each other.
  • We stir each other.
  • We build together.
  • We minister together.

It is a powerful combination.

Remember, when those two gifts are operating, you’ll see many miracles and breakthroughs in churches and in the lives of believers.

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