Impact University

Fresh oil for the nations

Fresh oil for the nations 1

Welcome to Impact University. God is joining together apostolic ministry teams with powerful gift mixes. He is assigning people to flow in unusual combinations of gifts. He is releasing fresh oil! America is being set up for an explosive move of fire and glory. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk […]

God will show you the best path

God will show you the best path 2

Welcome to Impact University. Jesus came that we might have abundant life, the abundant life is the best life. Life in the Spirit is the best life. A life of wisdom is the best life. Don’t settle for a life that is not the best. The best life is a life of prosperity and abundance. […]

Difference Between Dreams and Visions

Difference Between Dreams and Visions 3

Welcome to Impact University. Many people believe that dreams are strictly at night and visions are for the day. However, if we look to scripture, we can see there is a template for deciphering between the two. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my […]

Hidden things revealed

Hidden things revealed 4

Welcome to Impact University. Have you ever wonder why you don’t see certain things that you think you should have known when they happen. The Lord sometimes hides things from you.  The Bible says the secret things belong to the Lord, so the Lord does have secrets.  The secret things belong to the LORD our […]

Anointed to be MIGHTY

Anointed to be MIGHTY 5

Welcome to Impact On Demand! Jesus came out of the wilderness after 40 days of fasting with power and MIGHT. He began to cast out devils through the power of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the […]

Be strong and courageous

Be strong and courageous 6

Welcome to Impact University! Do you have courage?  One of the things you must have to succeed is courage.  Courage releases strength, boldness over your life.   There must be a level of courage in your life or you will walk in fear or intimidation. The word of God gives us many examples of those that […]

It’s Time To Move!

It’s Time To Move! 7

Welcome to Impact University! Your spiritual journey will include migration. A migration is a journey. All believers are on a journey.   To migrate simply means to move from one place to another. Spiritual migration means to move into new truths and new levels. Some migrations are physical and geographical. Abram had to migrate to a […]

You are MIGHTY!

You are MIGHTY! 8

Welcome to Impact University! Do you consider yourself a MIGHTY man or woman of God?  The Holy Spirit is a spirit of MIGHT.    All of us that are full of the Spirit, can operate in this strength, power, ability, insight, wisdom and so on.  You have this MIGHT in you.  Today, as you read, […]

Break out into His BEST

Break out into His BEST 9

Welcome to Impact University! You are God’s masterpiece! Get that settled in your mind. He has handcrafted you and designed you for a powerful destiny. You are called to walk in the BEST, because you are God’s BEST. He made you with the BEST in mind. You are designed for the BEST He has for […]

Our God is abundant in goodness.

Our God is abundant in goodness. 10

Welcome to Impact University! The Lord delights in giving you good things. He wants to pour out blessings over you.  The Father will release blessings and abundance over you.  He delights in releasing blessings over His children.  If God were to ask you, “What do you want me to do for you?” What would you […]