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Do you have courage? One of the things you must have to succeed is courage. Courage releases strength, boldness over your life. There must be a level of courage in your life or you will walk in fear or intimidation.
The word of God gives us many examples of those that stood in courage, fought in courage, went into many battles in courage and believed they would be victorious because of the promise the Lord had given them.
The Lord will deliver them to you, and you must do to them all that I have commanded you. 6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:5-6
Then God commanded Joshua to BE strong and courageous.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Everyone will need courage in order to succeed.
It takes courage to obey God and do what He has called you to do.
- Courage is often the difference between victory and defeat.
- Some people are defeated in life because they lack courage.
- They allow fear to destroy them and defeat them.
When you are dealing with a giant, whether it’s finances, sickness, opposition, it takes courage to stand up and defeat those giants. Maybe you are dealing with giants daily.
You will have the courage to overcome!
It’s good to have faith, dreams and visions, but you have to be courageous.
Joshua was able to walk in courage and possess his possessions.
In 1 Samuel 17th we read of David’s courage gave him victory over Goliath. Everyone else was afraid and hiding when Goliath was challenging them, including Saul, but David had enough courage to go on the battlefield, approach the giant and eventually defeat him. He had already been courageous against the lion and the bear, and now against the champion of the Philistines.
You are called to be a champion. Champions are courageous.
Warriors must have courage, soldiers must have courage when you go into battle, you have got overcome any fear. In order to step in, you have to be full of courage.
You cannot live in fear, you cannot be afraid of the fight, you cannot focus on defeat.
Are you facing a battle today?
- In your family
- In your ministry
- In your finances
- In your faith
It will take courage for you to fulfill your purpose. God has a purpose for you!
God has told you to do something. Sometimes those things look impossible to do. You may say – “How can I do it? I am afraid… I am afraid to fail.”
Remember, you are confronting one of the worst demons- the fear of failure. This fear will cripple you with thoughts that overwhelm you. “I am going to mess up” or “I am going to fail” or “I am not going to accomplish what God called me to do”.
It will take courage in order overcome challenges.
You are going to have to step out in courage and do what God has called you to do.
- You will be fearless!
- You will not compromise.
- You will open your mouth and tell the truth.
- You will pioneer.
- You will walk in boldness and bring transformation.
- You will do what is right.
- You will bring change.
To release the word, prophesy, to confront, to step out and walk in your prophetic and apostolic calling. It takes courage to challenge ungodly, religious systems. It takes courage to be a reformer and a revivalist.
God will fight for the courageous person. He will always stand with a courageous leader. He told Joshua – I WILL BE WITH YOU.
Courage will help you overcome persecution so that you will not run, withdraw and hide.
- You will endure!
- He will assist you.
- He will fill you with boldness.
- He will release an increase of FAITH.
- He will give you strength.
- He will give you grace.
- He will cause you walk in breakthrough miracles, healing and salvation.
Thank God for the badge of courage, it will give you the supernatural ability to have victory over fear. Your victory is going to be greater than you could have ever believed.
I release that badge of courage on you. As you pick up your badge of courage, you will be strong! You will prosper as you rise up in victory. You will have more than enough. You will not miss it. You will do great exploits. You will see His blessings, grace and power in the days to come.
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