Impact University

In Due Time

In Due Time 1

Welcome to Impact University! Promotion is one of the gifts that God gives to His children. A hard heart and a religious spirit will not agree with promotion! It will mock people who claim favor and decree promotion. Yet, when you study the Scriptures, it is so clear that whenever people are living surrendered to […]

Divine turnaround

Welcome to Impact University. I believe we’re in the hour of some of the most significant breakthroughs we have ever experienced in our life.  This is your season for divine turnaround. It’s your time! I am overwhelmed by what God is doing in the earth. There has been so much that has happened in the […]

HE IS The Master of Breakthrough

Welcome to Impact University. The Lord has many names. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, the revelation of who HE IS grows and becomes deeper in us. All of which reveal and describe His unique nature and matchless character. Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will […]

Dreams reveal specific purposes

Welcome to Impact University. Everyone has the ability to dream.  We should seek to understand what God is saying in the night season. Our dreams are very valuable.  In scripture we read: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and […]

Benefits to living in the Glory

Welcome to Impact University. There are so many benefits to living in the Glory of God.  David desired to dwell in the house of the Lord, to behold His beauty. The house of the Lord should be filled with God’s glory and beauty. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek […]

Dreams that advance His purposes

The Night Belongs to God   The word DREAM is mentioned 30 times in the book of  Genesis. “Dream” in the Hebrew – means to “bind strongly or firmly” (Strongs 2492). A dream from God will become  bound up in the heart of the person receiving the dream.   Dreams from God are usually very spiritual […]

Forgive so you can be free!

Welcome to Impact University! There are millions of relationships today that fall apart. In most cases theres an expectation  from someone and that the other person in not able to fulfill. The problem is not capacity. The problem  is that they never had an example of someone who would impart into them the life the […]