Impact University

HE IS The Master of Breakthrough

HE IS The Master of Breakthrough 1

Welcome to Impact University.

The Lord has many names.

As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, the revelation of who HE IS grows and becomes deeper in us.

All of which reveal and describe His unique nature and matchless character.

Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.”

Isaiah 52:6

I was asked why Christians have so many names for God, my response was simple:

because He is all those things

  • He IS a Healer
  • He IS my Father
  • He IS my Righteousness
  • He IS my Redeemer
  • He IS THE ONE who fights for me

One of the most intimate parts of a relationship is how you address a person. The closer you are to someone, the more intimately you know them and their character which makes you more comfortable with addressing them outside of their name.

God is an amazingly complex being, who we will never fully understand. But every situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity to know Him in a different way. Getting to the different names of God, and using them makes this complex God, personal and relatable.

Developing intimacy with the Lord can be cultivated by addressing Him as you need in the moment. Be specific.

When you are feeling lonely, call on Jehovah Shammah, “God is there”.

If you need healing remember He is called Jehovah Rapha, “The God who heals”.

If you’re in need, call on Jehovah Jireh and remember “The Lord will provide”.

If you need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness call on Jehovah Emunah, “The Faithful God.”

When you feel insignificant and forgotten call on Jehovah El Roi, “the God that sees me”.

There are hundreds more…I encourage you to take time to get to know some of them.

While reading the Bible recently, I came across a name for God, Baal-Perazim, “Master of Breakthrough”. In 1 Chronicles 14: 8, the news that David had just been anointed king over Israel began to spread. When the Philistines heard this they went out to capture David, but when he learned the Philistines were after him he went down into a fortified fortress and asked the Lord if he should go attack the Philistines and if he would come out victorious.

The Lord responds by telling David to go attack them and confirms He will hand the Philistines over to him. So, David goes out to attack Philistines and defeats them. In verse 11, David declared “God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like the breakthrough of waters” and named the place “Baal- Perazmin”.

“The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way] shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; So their King goes on before them, The Lord at their head.”

Micah 2:13

A breakthrough is a dramatic development, a sudden shift, a move beyond an obstacle.

He is The Master of Breakthrough and He specializes in sudden shifts, He is the God of “just like that”.

When faced with the Philistines pursuing him the first thing David did was leave to inquire of the Lord and ask what he should do.

David was instructed to attack the Philistines, and he did. David was obedient to the instruction of the Lord. Our obedience is a prerequisite to our breakthrough. We must be obedient if we want to see that sudden shift we are praying for.

David inquired of the Lord and was obedient to the specific instructions each time. Even though David had many victories, yet he went to the Lord to inquire each time.

David’s reverence of God’s supremacy by inquiring and submitting his next move to God’s will, and his obedience to carry it out as instructed opened the door for God to move in and do the miraculous, giving him that breakthrough he needed.

  • Don’t get familiar with the methods of God. He does not move the same way, every time in the same situations. You must go to God each time, in situations both familiar unfamiliar.
  • Wait for specific instructions and act.
  • When we face a situation our inquiring of the Lord and obedience is the permission the Lord needs to go before us and break through the obstacles to do what only He can do.

I pray that as we face different challenges
we remember that no condition is permanent!

Our God is able to turn things around at any moment.


  • Go to the Lord first
  • Have your spiritual eyes and ears be attentive to the instruction of the Lord
  • Allow your heart to be submitted to the Lord
  • Be obedient to His direction
  • Expect to see the wonderful work of our Lord in our lives

As you become intimate with God, and get to know His names and His character, you will stand in a greater place of authority in your life. 

I pray for this revelation to bring a sudden shift today!

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