Impact University

Don’t miss your season of CHANGE!

Don’t miss your season of CHANGE! 1

Welcome to Impact University.

Are you ready for God to do a NEW thing in your life?  Don’t be afraid of change. Change is a part of life and growth. You will change when you change environments. Change is inevitable.

When God does a new thing. You cannot live in your past and move into your future. You cannot consider the things of old. Many believers don’t migrate because they are emotionally tied to the past.

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18-19

A migration is a change of environment. Environments are important to growth. Some plants and trees only grow in certain environments. The wrong environment will not be productive.

  • We need an environment of glory to continue to grow and expand.
  • We need an environment of liberty.
  • We need an environment where the Spirit of the Lord is embraced and welcomed.
  • We need an environment of worship.
  • We need to have a prophetic environment.

And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, and captain of the guard.”

Gen 37:36

Jealousy was the cause of Joseph’s migration. He was sold into slavery, and ended up in Egypt. Although he was sold, the scriptures says he was sent.  Sometimes your sending is the result of mistreatment.

He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant:”

Psalm 105:17

Joseph ended up in a foreign land. This journey was a part of his destiny. He rose above his brethren, and ended up saving them. Joseph would never have ended up in Egypt with his brethren’s hatred. Sometimes we are forced to migrate.

Joseph understood his journey into Egypt. He knew the reason for his dream.

And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.”

Genesis 45:4

Joseph’s journey into Egypt was to preserve his family’s life. Joseph became powerful and wealthy as a result of his migration. Sometimes God pushes us to migrate. According to Glen Bleakney there are three ways God works to move us in a new direction:

• Disruption of Our Plans

• Dissipation of Resources

• Dissolution of Relationships

A migration is a new journey, a new direction, and a new path. A lack of resources will cause you to seek a new direction. Sometimes people will walk out of your life. This will force you to evaluate your relationships. Sometimes your plans will fail, causing you to review your plans. These are sometimes difficult decisions to make.

Making no decision can sometimes be a bad decision.

Fear can paralyze you. Fear of the future, fear of the unknown, and fear of failure will hinder you. It takes faith and courage to migrate.

Dreams and visions can help us in our migrations.

God can speak to you in the night season and give you direction. Don’t ignore your dreams. God can warn us about the danger of staying in the same place. There is a price you will pay for not moving when God tells you to.

Knowledge helps us in our migrations.

You will become stirred when you hear a new truth, read a new book, or be exposed to a new ministry. Knowledge gives you a new perspective. Knowledge opens up new realms. This can apply to business, finances, prosperity, and spiritual truths. Ignorance will keep you locked in the same place.

Prayer helps us in our migrations.

We should pray for new things. God wants to do new things. God will show you great and mighty things (Jer.33:3). We can experience new doors, new platforms, new promotions, new relationships, new favor, new finances, new breakthroughs, new levels, new wisdom, new strength, new glory, new songs, and new revelation.

Preaching helps us in our migrations.

Preaching can shift us. Preachers should declare the new thing God is doing. Preaching should stir our faith to believe for new and greater things. Preaching can open our eyes to new places where we can journey.

God makes a way in the wilderness. God releases rivers in dry places. In other words, God changes your environment. Migration has a time element. There are seasons when there is a grace to migrate.

Don’t wait too long. Don’t miss the seasons of change.

God will give you grace to transition and shift. Get ready for change. It is a part of life and you will grow. Change is going to happen.

  • You will change as you transition.
  • You will change when you change environments.
  • You will change garments.
  • You will change in your way of thinking.
  • You will change the way you operate.

This does not mean that everything you have done previously was wrong. There is always an upgrade and a new season to breakout and breakthrough into new things. God also gives new assignments and new commissions. God can expand our assignments and commissions. You will migrate into these assignments and commissions. Be Bold. Be courageous. Your time is now!

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