Impact University


The power of community.

Partnership  1

Welcome to Impact University.

Recently on Clubhouse, Rodrigo, Derek and I discussed our heart and vision for this community. Truly it’s a mandate we all feel is for now. This forum will be a new voice, not only to share prophetic insights and revelation, but we will touch relevant topics that will affect your daily lives. You can be an active part of the modern day revival. This is a challenge that must be undertaken by a community. We have to take an active part in changing the narrative.  Not one person can do this alone. We need to develop this community that is a safe space to develop greater understanding, to grow and advance our lives, churches and communities.

This is a gathering place for conversation.  A forum for the modern day messenger to advance kingdom directives.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.” NLT

It is important to have partnership. We need each other!

We were created by God to be part of community. 

You do need friends, you do need partners, you do need community.

In Genesis 2:18 God said, it is not good for man to be alone.   So he created Eve to be with Adam. He created them to be together, to be there for each other, to support one another, to encourage each other, release life and have dominion.

However, sometimes in life, you can see around you so much evil, oppression and wickedness that you may want to do things all by yourself.  Especially if you have been hurt, it may sound better to just do it alone.  This is a temptation you must reject. 

We can be tempted to isolate, withdraw, but scripture warns against that.  These are some dangers in operating all by yourself.

  • Bitterness
  • Discouragement
  • Discontentment
  • Loneliness
  • Workaholism
  • Emptiness

We were created by God to be part of community. 

Your first partner should be God, then your spouse and kids…”

Your community should be your spouse and family, friends, church, work and neighborhood. You can create community just about anywhere. Even now, communities are created online, on zoom and social media. Making an effort to be in community can be as simple as picking up the phone, texting, or visiting a loved one, friend or elderly neighbor.

Your life is meant to be shared with others.

How can you share your life?

  • Fellowship
  • Partnership
  • Giving
  • Listening
  • Share your testimony

When you share your life with others, you will prosper.

You don’t have to give everyone the same access, but you will gain so much more from being open and releasing what you have.

You have to believe that you have something to give. You do! We all have something to give. The Lord has blessed us with so much, sometimes all we have to do is take the first step to activate this next level of blessing in our lives. You can be a blessing, just take a small step toward someone today.

Remember, this is a valuable gathering place for you.

You were created to be a part of a community.

When you share your life with others, you will prosper.

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