Impact University

Seek the favor of God

Seek the favor of God 1
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him

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Zechariah 8:22 says, “Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord.” Many nations shall come and seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem and pray before the Lord. Now, Jerusalem is a picture of the city of God. The kingdom Zion, it’s not that you have to go to a physical place to pray. Jesus actually said in John 4, “the hour comes when men would no longer worship in this mountain, but they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”  So, Jerusalem prophetically is a picture of God’s place of dwelling.It’s a picture of the city of God. This doesn’t mean that you have to physically go to Jerusalem to pray.  But it means that you’ll come to God. You’ll come to His throne. His throne is in Jerusalem. His kingdom is there. You’ll come as Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we might find grace and obtain grace and mercy to help in the time of need.” Now, one translation says this, “Many nations will come and seek the Lord’s favor.” Seek the Lord’s favor. Did you know that a part of seeking God is seeking his favor? Let me say that again. A part of seeking God is seeking His favor. I really want you to meditate on that. A part of seeking God is seeking His favor. You want His favor. You want His blessing. You’re asking God to bless you to be gracious unto you.  You’re seeking His favor.

Hebrews 11 says that, “He that comes to God must believe that He is. And that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.” He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. When you’re seeking God, what are you seeking God for?

You’re seeking to know Him.

You’re seeking a revelation of Him.

You’re also seeking His blessing.

You’re seeking His forgiveness, His redemption, His salvation, His deliverance.

You’re seeking His favor.

Seeking God is seeking His Favor for your life.

Do you believe that if you go after God, if you seek God, if you pursue God, that God would be favorable unto you? He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. So a part of the reward of seeking God, is God’s favor.

The Lord wants to reward you! He is a good Father and desires to give good gifts to His children. You are His! He has limitless resources ready to release to you.


These are some ways you can get favor from God-by seeking Him, pursuing Him, praying, worshiping, studying His word, seeking His will for your life.

It releases the favor of God to come upon your life.

The  scripture in Zechariah 8:22 says that, many nations, many people, even strong nations would come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord or one translation says to seek His favor. That means that people globally, whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, whether it’s North America, South America, the Caribbean, the Islands, wherever you are, no location makes no difference to God. God is no respecter of persons. God receives any person that comes to seek Him. God is the God of all flesh. He’s not the God of just the Jews. He’s the God of all nations. All people in Christ. There’s neither Jew nor Gentile. God accepts all tribes, all languages, all cultures. He doesn’t put one above another. No, God is a God that respects any person that comes to Him in faith and seeks His face.

The favor of God will mark you.”

There’ll be a mark of God on your life, an invisible mark that will be seen in the spirit realm.

Angels would recognize you’re a favored one. You one of God’s favorites.

So seek God’s favor, ask for it, go after it. God will give it to you. God will bless you. God will release His favor upon your life. I pray that as they pursue you, as they seek you, as they turn to you, as they go after you, it will not be a waste of time.

So seek God’s favor, ask for it, go after it.

God will give it to you.

God will bless you.

God will release His favor upon your life.

The favor of God will come upon you.

I bless you. I speak over you. Favor, favor, favor, favor, everywhere in Jesus name.

I pray that as they pursue you, as they seek you, as they turn to you, as they go after you, You will reward them.

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