Impact University

The Lord Remembers

The Lord Remembers 1

Welcome to Impact University,

I’m so very excited to get this post to you today.  It will bring encouragement and growth in your life.  I know that many of you that have been a huge part of giving to this ministry and others will be blessed by the word of the Lord. 

Your giving and your sacrifices are very important in getting your prayers answered and victories won.

This should encourage you concerning what you have already given, and the many sacrifices in your life.

PSALM 20 reads:

Verse 1 “May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
    may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.”

The Psalmist says that God hears you in the day of trouble.  Anytime you are in trouble you want God to hear your voice, your prayers, your cry.   Especially when you are in trouble!  If you are experiencing trouble today, in your marriage, your finances, in your family, your business or ministry your children your health.  Be assured, that he hears you

He is our healer, our deliverer, our peace, our assurance.  We just need to call on Him.

Verse 2 reads “May he send you help from the sanctuary
    and grant you support from Zion.”

We need help from God when we are in trouble. We cannot do it on our own.  He sends help.  Zion is the city of God, God sends strength to those in trouble.  We can trust that he has our best in mind.  In many ways, sometimes we don’t even realize how the Lord has rescued us out of situations.  We may not understand until much later, just how much he as protected us.

Verse 3 “May he remember all your sacrifices
    and accept your burnt offerings.”

He remember all your offerings –  GOD never forgets your seeds offering and sacrifices.  Many of you have been so faithful to sow into your churches, your ministries, missions, into the poor and helping others. 

Even things you gave years ago that maybe you forgot about. 

When you give for years, it’s easy to forget every offering, every conference or missions gift, and people you have helped. 

But God remembers! He never forgets. 

The psalmist says God remembers. Everything you give is recorded in heaven.

Verse 4 “May he give you the desire of your heart
    and make all your plans succeed.”

God actually responds to your cries, your needs your prayers and he remembers all that you have sown.  So, never think that your seeds stop speaking to the heart of God after you give them. The Lord is committed to giving you the desires of your heart. As you continue to delight yourself in Him, he will do it. He will cause your plans to succeed. You have been faithful to Him, and He will be faithful to you.

In Acts 10 The Lord sends and angel to Cornelius.

Cornelius was a devout man that gave alms and feared God. God sent the angel to his house, he comes to him and tells him, your prayers and your alms, especially to the poor have come up as a memorial before God. The angel, then that led him to Peter, who brought salvation to his house.  Cornelius was one of the first gentiles to get saved. 

Your prayers and giving build a memorial before God. 

A memorial is something that reminds you of something.  In Washington DC we have memorials like the Washington Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial.  These memorials are there so that you will remember the impact that those individuals have had on our nation. 

God can see the memorial that you have built from your prayers, alms, and giving. 

When you do good works no matter how great or small the Lord records them to your account.  Not only do you touch nations, but the Lord knows.   He does not forget. 

The Lord will grant your petitions because he remembers your offerings. Giving is much more than just supporting a mission or a ministry, giving is a powerful way to get God’s attention. When you give finances, you give a part of yourself.  It has taken you time, and labor to accumulate finances.  Work, or investment.  Your seed is a part of you.  It is a sacrifice.  The Lord sees this.

Read and meditate on the verses in Psalm 20. Realize the promise that the Lord is giving you.

Psalm 20: 5 “May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests.Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand.”

Let your offering speak before the Lord.  He will remember your seed.

So today believe Him for:

Salvation to come to your house

Miracles in your life

Breakthrough in your finances

Unity in your family

An overflow of His presence over you

Remember, He does not forget.  He is our healer, our deliverer, our peace, our assurance. 

We just need to call to Him and He will answer and send his angels to bring salvation to your home.

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