Welcome to Impact University.
I’m here to let you know it’s your time to be established. Because you’ve gone through the process. It is your time to expand. You’re ready to grow. You’re ready to break out.
- Get ready for more!
- Get ready to prosper!
- Get ready to break out!
- Get ready for increase!
When God establishes you in your business, your ministry, your career, your life, He sets you in place, no matter how the enemy tries to stop what the Lord is doing. You will be established and overcome all opposition.
This has always been one of my favorite verses.
If you believe in the Lord, your God, you’ll be established.”
2 Chronicles 20:20
God has done such a great work in your life until now.
In 2 Samuel, Chapter 5, it says David perceived that he had been established as the king of Israel. During the time that David was running from Saul, he had doubts as to whether or not he would ever become king. Because the enemy was trying to kill him. One time, David actually left the land, went to the Philistines, and played crazy. He began to slobber. He began to scratch the door. And the king said, “This man is mad.”
You’ve gone through the warfare. You’ve gone through the battles. You’ve gone through the tests. You’ve held on to the Lord. You believe God when you felt like giving up, when you felt like it’s not working, it’s too hard, it’ll never happen. When you got discouraged, when it looked like Saul was going to win the battle. Even if you were the underdog, you were at a disadvantage, your enemies had more power than you had. But if you believe God, and go through the process, God will establish you.
Jesus established the church in one of the worst generations that has ever lived on planet Earth. He faced opposition daily from the religious leaders of the time. He called them a generation of vipers. They were one of the worst!
God has put something in you. This is an apostolic assignment. When God tells you to establish something, and there’s every religious devil in town is against it. You’ve got to do it in the midst of persecution, opposition, ignorance, stupidity, control, witchcraft, all kinds of things. Remember the Bible says, “If you believe you’ll be established.”
Apostles are able to go into places where it’s not been established, and the apostolic anointing, they believe God. They’re able to pioneer, and trail blaze, and breakthrough, and overcome all the religious opposition, all the opposition of hell that’s designed to keep it out of a region. They’re able to set things in the regions where people said, “It would never work here. This region doesn’t want it.” They’re able to go.
Apostles have an anointing that if something is not set in a region, they don’t wait for somebody else to do it. They do it. They set it. They establish it. They build it.
- If there’s no prophetic, they establish.
- If there’s no deliverance, they establish.
- If there’s no healing, they establish.
- If there’s no worship, or prophetic praise and worship, they establish.
- If there’s no teaching, they establish.
The apostolic anointing is being released in this season.
You will be at the place where you’re no longer running for your life, you’re no longer trying to survive, you’re no longer trying to make it, you’re no longer trying to stay alive.
The warfare that we often experience, the battle, the attacks can become so intense so that you will want to give up. The enemy does not want you to become established. His plan is to break you down, but the Lord will build you up.
Today I decree over your life:
You will have the wisdom to establish and remain strong.
You will receive the strength to stand.
You will prosper.
You will break out.
You will increase.
I release the grace to walk in this anointing that will help you overcome. It’s time to let God establish you.
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