Impact University


Time and Chance

Welcome to Impact University. I’ve been in the book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes 9:11. “I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift,Nor

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Fasting brings strength

Welcome to Impact University. When you become a believer, you must understand that you cannot serve God in your own strength.  Fasting helps you tap into

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Established for success

Welcome to Impact University. It is so important for us to be deeply rooted and established in the Lord. 2 Chronicles 20:20 has always been

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Significant Breakthroughs

Welcome to Impact University. I’m always overwhelmed by what God is doing in the earth. I believe we’re in the hour of some of the most

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Forgive so you can be free!

Welcome to Impact University! There are millions of relationships today that fall apart. In most cases theres an expectation  from someone and that the other

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The Lord Remembers

Welcome to Impact University, I’m so very excited to get this post to you today.  It will bring encouragement and growth in your life.  I

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The power of community. Welcome to Impact University. Recently on Clubhouse, Rodrigo, Derek and I discussed our heart and vision for this community. Truly it’s

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“Empire” Song & Lyrics

Where to Listen: LISTEN TO EMPIRE Artist Thoughts: This song was written for and dedicated to the Swolenormous family. It’s a flex song that was

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